Population: 41 000
Huancavelíca can be reached by bus from Huancayo. It is also serviced by a train known as
“El tren macho”. According to
a popular saying, this train “leaves when it wants and arrives when
it can”. After 4 hours, 38 tunnels and 15 bridges, you can finally welcome your destination.
While the train may be crowded
and uncomfortable, riding it is the adventure of a lifetime.
Huancavelica claims to have invented ‘pachamanca’, a dish buried under the ground and
cooked over hot stones for about
2-3 hours. It usually has four types of meat, vegetables and potatoes. It’s the specialty of the house in many country inns around Huancavelica.
The beautiful Plaza de Armas,
the hot springs of San Cristóbal |