Population: 323 000
Huancayo is the most important commercial center in the Andes. With tourists, it is mostly known for the train from Lima to Huancayo. The train is generally used as a freight train in the mining industry, but is open for tourists once or twice a month, in regular coaches. During the ca.13 hour journey between the capital and Huancayo, travelers can admire 58 bridges, 69 tunnels and one of the world’s highest train stations, La Galera (4781 m above sea level). The best way of exploring Huancayo is to venture outside the city limits: make sure to plan a visit to the beautiful village of Cochas Chicas, Hualhuas or San Juan de Tunán, with the famous Santa Rosa de Ocopa-church. The church contains a library with over 25 000 volumes, some of which stem from the 15th century.
Capilla La Merced,
the Sunday marketplace,
the ruins of Huarivilca,
the sandstone towers of Torre Torre |